Monday, January 5, 2009

we go back

Saturday night, I went to Applebees with three of my dearest friends whom I grew up with. pictured from left to right. Tiffany, Reese, Jennifer, me, Ciara. We had a great time, and it was so encouraging for me to hear all about their experiences being wives, a mom (for tiffany), and future mom's (because jen and c are both expecting). These girls are in more of my childhood memories than anyone else. Jen and I shared our love for organization and cleanliness when we were children. I remember organizing my entire "pretend kitchen" with her. I loved to spend the night at her dad's house where we explored the woods and decorated her tree house. Ciara was my cheerleader friend. I cannot imagine Ciara not being in my life all those years to share a passion for cheering, stunting, jumping, and yelling. I was priveleged to get to experience all those ballgames, competitions, practices, and camps with her. I got to share the excitement of being a freshman junior varsity cheerleader with her the very first year hb had one. (LOL-ciara if you read this, wink wink.) From pom-pom girl to the last time we were on the field together, I enjoyed every moment beside her. Tiffany...ummm...let's see. Where do I start? We are actual "blood sisters". I could probably write a book using the notes that we passed to each other throughout our elementary, middle, and high school years. Yes, even in high school. Her notes got me through second block. From taking "Olan Mills-Glamour shots" to laughing so hard that we peed in our pants...I could not have imagined growing up without her. I love these girls!!!! Thank you Lord for blessing me with their sweet spirits and unique personalities, and I praise your name for sovereignly making them a part of my life.

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